A county junior game at BCCC
More action from the county juniors
BCCC’s pavilion – a fine backdrop to the county match
On the attack
The bowler fights back
Batsman gains the upper hand?
Net session 1
Net session 2
Net session 3
Net session 4
Net session 5
Net session 6
Net session 7
Net session 8
Waiting to bat…
A little less formal in the nets
Cricket poetry
The stance
Roger Dakin, Davis and Davies…
Will Sean Fitzpatrick tell everyone he met the chairman’s son?!
Another successful sportsman’s dinner – David Gower minus the tiger moth
Rappo and Ed presenting a chairty cheque
Two Eds presenting a charity cheque
A clud fiundraiser from yesteryear
Comedians – not from BCCC this time!
Does it get any better?
Four BCCC youth academy members represented Wiltshire County in the same game
BCCC youth academy ‘product’ Owen Alsop presents a tankard to Alan Crouch in recognition of all the coaching he did for the juniors over the years
‘Casual’ BCCC chairman and president hand over a cheque to smartly suited Ged Montgomery – on behalf of Julia’s House
This cheque handing over/recieving business is tiring work!
Mind your head Stan!
The new groundsman’s shed – complete with ensuite and TV for Ed!
The scenery just gets better and better
A rouge’s gallery of BCCC players
The old groundsman’s shed
BCCC fundraising on behalf of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance
The new pavilion in construction
It’s getting there
Still getting there
And the old one is retired
Just about finished…
Another speaking celebrity – and Ed Davies
It’s finished!!
Wiltshire’s Pete Sykes visits the ground
It’s that fundraising again
The new pavilion in the early stage of construction
Onwards and upwards
Forlorn and forgotten
Must be worth something on ebay?
Another collectors item?
A sportsman’s dinner programme – guess the year
Another one for ebay?
Collectors heaven
List of players at awards
2009 Sportsman’s Roger Dakin first dinner as MC